Thursday, June 25, 2009

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad compared Obama on Thursday to former President George W. Bush.
Reacting to Obama's comment Tuesday that he is "appalled and outraged" by crackdowns in Iran, Ahmadinejad said, "Mr. Obama made a mistake to say those things ... our question is why he fell into this trap and said things that previously Bush used to say."
"Do you want to speak with this tone? If that is your stance then what is left to talk about... I hope you avoid interfering in Iran's affairs and express your regret in a way that the Iranian nation is informed of it".

Clearly showing his hidden agenda, Hopey-Changey chose to not 'meddle' in the Iran situation. But choosing not to meddle basically
threw the protesters under the bus and empowered Ahmadinejad. Nice move!
With the entire world taking notes, Hopey-Changey's 'favored' candidate has yet again bitch-slapped our brilliant Obama. Again, nice move!

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